viernes, 21 de mayo de 2010

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  2. I think this unconstitutional law its very popular in Arizona and most of the states of America because there are many people who are illegal immigrants or there are persons that have have friends, family, children who risk their lives to be better.
    Yes, we all know that cross into a country or state without papers is illegal but I believe that this is a law that doesnt have to discriminate or considered suspect someone who looks Mexican.
    I dont think this is the right time to relaunch the migration reform, because all these persons who cross into Arizona illegally they do it because the need to work so hard to support his family and live well without bothering anyone.
    I agree with President Felipe Calderon because this law violates human rights.
    Finally, I think the governor of Arizona Jan Brewer must considers that all those people who cross U.S. territory illegally work very hard and some way benefits United States economically with effort.

    Aida Mendiola 3a
